Saturday 2 January 2010

So This Is the New Year...

...unlike Ben Gibbard, I do feel slightly different. Well, it all started at about 10am yesterday morning when I awoke to a feeling like a small to middle sized person standing squarely between my eyes (right where I had, the night before, accidentally shaved off part of my eyebrow). After a few hours of sitting relatively motionless I had retrieved the clarity of a fresh start. Not to say that the rest of the day was extremely productive (there were hours of sitting and watching football on the tele), but I certainly felt the cathartic effects of the night before. This holiday season has come with an interesting sense of anxiety and the feeling of being trapped at my parents' house with grad school looming ominously in the not-too-distant future. The problem, of course, is the footwork required on my part to make that happen. It seems daunting, but yesterday brought a mounting sense of possibility and excitement. Now, as I'm sitting with my computer on my lap, once more watching football on the tele I am anxious for the future, excited about the road that lies ahead and curious what the coming days shall bring. Much love and happy new year to you all.